Your home builder needs to enrol your home prior to construction and not you as a home owner.
No warranty cover if your home is not enrolled with the NHBRC.
Warranty Cover.
All new homes to be enrolled with the NHBRC 15 days prior to construction.
Enrol Home
Building a new home is a key milestone in anyone’s life. The Act requires all home builders to enrol every new home with the NHBRC at least 15 days prior to construction.
The enrolment of a new home is the first step in the protection of a housing consumers’ right, as provided by the Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act, 1998.
Builder compliance with Home Builders Manual
Quality inspections during construction
Major structural warranty cover for up to five years from date of occupation
Mediation between consumer and builder
Recourse through our complaints, arbitration and remedial processes
An enrolled home is provided with warranty cover by the NHBRC for a period of 5 years from the date of occupation which allows the NHBRC to pursue and ensure that your builder rectifies:
3 Months snag list
Minor defects within 3-months from date of occupation.
1 Year roof leaks
Roof leaks within 1-year from date of occupation.
5 Year major structural defect
Major structural defects within 5-years from date of occupation.